[ I'm "codename" | This is My Blog ]
I'm a lazy geek and an even lazier marketer. My current passion is AI, but since I have the attention span of a gnat on crack, that is subject to change. I have an email newsletter and RSS feed (kickin' it old school) with 8,000+ happy enthusiasts (and one drunk dude who subscribed by mistake). 

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Are Smart Tools Making You Dumber?

The Double-Edged Sword of Cognitive Offloading: Are AI and Search Engines Making Us Dumber? The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ever-more sophisticated search engines promises a future of unparalleled convenience. Imagine AI assistants like Siri or Alexa seamlessly integrating with your daily life, anticipating your needs, and handling routine tasks.  Search engines like Google and YouTube overflow with information and entertainment, readily available at our fingertips. This constant stream of assistance and instant gratification sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, the reality might be a bit more complex. While AI and search engines offer undeniable benefits, there's...

The Foolhardy Pursuit of Copywriting | An Unwise Endeavor

Two years ago, I tried and tried (and tried) to get AI to do snarky, sarcastic, and/or sardonic prose to no avail. I was so certain that AI would never be able to do nonsense, sarcasm, or even a little snarkiness (is that a word?) that my byline sig in social media since 2020 has been... “"When it Comes to Sarcasm, AI is My Bitch!" ” Below is proof positive of how far AI has come. This proof is more startling than what most journalists prattle on about. Now, having been a direct response copywriter for more years than I would...

Can't Come Up With Good Ideas? Try This...

Unlocking Creativity: A Marketer's Guide to Generating Ideas...   I can't count the number of coaching clients who have told me, "I don't have any good ideas." It's a sentiment that can be both frustrating and discouraging. But the simple truth is that creativity is not a mysterious gift bestowed upon a select few. Like most things, it's a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured with the right approach. If hearing that tightens your wadded shorts even more, stick with me. Your Uncle codename has some tried-and-tested ways for you to unlock your creative potential and generate new and fresh...