The Foolhardy Pursuit of Copywriting | An Unwise Endeavor
Two years ago, I tried and tried (and tried) to get AI to do snarky, sarcastic, and/or sardonic prose to no avail.
I was so certain that AI would never be able to do nonsense, sarcasm, or even a little snarkiness (is that a word?) that my byline sig in social media since 2020 has been...
"When it Comes to Sarcasm, AI is My Bitch!"
Below is proof positive of how far AI has come. This proof is more
startling than what most journalists prattle on about.
Now, having been a direct response copywriter for more years than I would like to admit (because it reveals my age), wannabe copywriters constantly approach me.
Because they heard some successful copywriter somewhere say that I had been their mentor.
But, the folks I mentored already possessed a high degree of potential and a modicum of knowledge about human nature.
In other words, they were inherently talented and needed a little direction and access to a vast knowledge base.
Most of this new crop of foolhardy and misdirected individuals nipping at my heels have no such attributes whatsoever.
Worse yet, they believe they need little more than they currently possess to succeed.
So, I wanted ChatGPT to help me write a letter to dissuade them.
Why use ChatGPT for this? The reason was twofold:
- First, I wanted to test ChatGPT's ability for the snarky and sardonic.
- Second, If I'm being 100% honest... I'm lazy.
Now, I certainly tweaked a really powerful prompt for this task and refined it a bit through a few renditions. But that still took much less time than writing the letter myself.
Here's what it gave me:
Dear Unfortunate Soul,
If you find yourself foolishly entertaining the notion of venturing into the labyrinthine world of copywriting despite lacking the requisite talent, I must caution you: you are embarking on a path fraught with folly, frustration, and inevitable failure.
Copywriting, you see, is not a pursuit for the faint of heart or the intellectually bereft. It is a delicate art form reserved for those blessed with a deft touch, a keen wit, and a modicum of intelligence – qualities that, regrettably, seem to elude individuals of your ilk.
Imagine, if you will, attempting to compose a symphony with naught but a kazoo and a handful of tin cans. That is akin to the Herculean task you face in attempting to master the craft of copywriting without an ounce of discernible talent or creativity.
But perhaps you are undeterred by my dire warnings. Perhaps you possess an unfounded confidence in your abilities – a confidence that, if I may be so bold, is wholly unwarranted. In that case, allow me to elucidate the perils that await you on this ill-advised journey.
Prepare yourself for endless hours of fruitless labor, staring blankly at a blinking cursor as it mocks your feeble attempts at prose. Brace yourself for the withering criticism of your peers and superiors, whose disdain for your incompetence will know no bounds. And above all, resign yourself to the inevitable conclusion: that you are simply not cut out for this line of work.
But fear not, dear reader, for there is still time to spare yourself from this ignominious fate. Turn back now before you are consumed by the relentless tide of mediocrity that awaits you. Seek solace in pursuits more suited to your limited talents – perhaps knitting or stamp collecting.
In conclusion, let me offer you this final piece of advice: abandon all hope, ye who enter here. The world of copywriting is a merciless realm, and you, my dear reader, are woefully unprepared to face its many trials and tribulations.
With a modicum of pity,